ย Restoration Services in Kansas City

Restoration Services in Kansas City Asks, “What is Orange Mold?”

Restoration Services in Kansas City Asks, “What is Orange Mold?”—As a company offering restoration services in Kansas City, we not only have to know how to rebuild a damaged home but also how to identify the difference between a minor problem and a severe problem. While most people are familiar with the dangers associated with black mold, few have much …

Restoration Companies in Kansas City

Restoration Companies in Kansas City-5 Hidden Dangers of Smoke Damage

Restoration Companies in Kansas City – A home fire can be devastating, especially when not contained quickly. Thousands of homeowners in the United States lose homes, property, and even loved ones to home fires every year. If your home catches fire but isnโ€™t completely destroyed, consider yourself lucky. You should also make sure your home undergoes proper repairs by one …

vacant home with for rent sign in lawn

Water Damage Restoration in Kansas City: 3 Problems that Plague Vacant Kansas City Homes and How a Professional Property Restoration Company Can Help

Water Damage Restoration in Kansas City: 3 Problems that Plague Vacant Kansas City Homes and How a Professional Property Restoration Company Can HelpAs a rental property owner, manager, or homeowner, there are times when it is too complex or unsafe to tackle a vacant property cleaning on your own, especially if the structure has been unoccupied for a long time.ย  …

Storm Damage Restoration in Kansas City

#1 Storm Damage Restoration in Kansas City–How To Get Emergency Water Damage Help For Your School, College, or University

Storm Damage Restoration in Kansas City–How To Get Emergency Water Damage Help For Your School, College, or University–Thereโ€™s a reason school districts limit snow days. Parents need to go to work and the curriculum needs to be followed. It can be detrimental when kids miss too many days of school.ย  It turns out, the melted version of snow can cause …

historic main street in downtown

#1 Kansas City Fire and Storm Repair–How to Prevent and Restore Fire Damage in Historic Properties

#1 Kansas City Fire and Storm Repair–How to Prevent and Restore Fire Damage in Historic PropertiesWhat Makes a Building Historic?Although itโ€™s easy to declare that an older and much-loved home or commercial building is historic, the actual accepted definition is far more exacting. According to the National Register ofย  Historic Places, a building is only considered to be historic if …